Monday, December 19, 2011

Never Afraid To Start A New...

In preparation for 2012, I've decided to organize some stuff and totally replace some important things with new ones. Last year, I made a solemn promise to myself that I will cut all communication with my former bf so I could fully move on. Fortunately with much perseverance and will power, I was able to detach myself from him emotionally. It wasn't easy but very possible and it won't be possible without the help of the loving people around me. I may say that my recovery was quite fast as compared with others who seem to haven't found their way and who are still covered by trauma and fear  to love again. 
And do for the next year, I've decided to make even more moves to regain my whole self again. Today I made a new email address. For the longest time, eversince I started dating Jr, I've used eamska as my user id. Eam is basically  my name spelled backwards... also intended for a so-called screen name when I joined Put3ska 10yrs ago. Ofcourse since I was into SKA music that time, I'v included ska along with my user id since most of my contacts then were from the world of ska. But as I move on to a new path, and since I'm interacting with various people from all walks of life, I believe I need to come up with a much formal user id. 

.......and so I now shall use as my primary email (former emails will still be forwarded to this new one).
And since I have a new google account, I've decided to create a new personal blog.
I actually attempted to revive my old one (mayology101) however, I felt that  a new one would be better.
For this, I plan to write positive thoughts and insights as I journey into aligning with the SOURCE (most of you call it GOD). Yes, I've decided to heed to what my inner self has been telling me so let this new blog help me get to that frequency once again. It's difficult to explain but as of the moment I am learning ways on how the universe works.. sounds geeky ey??? Just trust me on this ok? In the next posts, I'm sure you'll get what I mean. 

Also today, as a Christmas gift to myself, I've decided to buy our food blog its own domain! You may now access our great food photos at! Yey!!!

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