Friday, December 23, 2011

Today Is A Good Day To Dream....

For no reason, I feel so excited!
I feel something great is about to happen and I know...
I just know I'm gonna be a part of it!

I feel fabulous! My life is fabulous with all the adorable people around me!
I feel so eager and unlimited!
I feel so intuitive and creative these days!

It really pays to align yourself to who you really are. It frees you from the bondage of fear!
My life force levels are ever up and I've decided to keep it this way! I choose to have happiness
as my dominant feeling!
I'm so thankful to be alive!

And because I feel I'm in such great alignment with my source..... I'd like to take this
opportunity to dream some more......

This is my vision board and I stare at it all the time! hihihihi I feel so happy while looking at these images!

-  I often dream of exploring more and seeing new places! I know I can tell so many stories with the photos I take! Lezzgow!!! I wanna write more... create more!!

- also I wanna close my cards and just leave 1 for emergency purposes. i wanna save more!

- I dream of having my dream cam! A Canon Mark II plus all the prime lenses available! hahahahhaahahah and set-up my own studio in my room! I just have to find time to buy more stuff for my props! hihihi so exciting!! I got so many concepts in my head!

- to have someone hold my hand and never let go... awww!! cheesy I know but true! I can feel his presence. I know he's there eager to see me as well! I know it's just a matter of time! No pressure! There's always a perfect time for everything! What's important now is that....  I know in my heart that I'm ready to love and trust again. There is nothing to fear!

- someday I want to have kids. i'll name my first child Maggie of course! Maggie will be a model (thanks to me!) so i have to prepare all my equipment to put up a studio for her! hahahaha I carved an image of her while cooking at a young age. I'm so eager to teach her all stuff I know. To bake countless butter cookies with her will surely be a delight!

I know they're all on the way! All I have to do it sit back, relax and be happy!!! cheers!!

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